EARLY BIRD ACCESS - Course Launch is April 1st, 2022 Professional Training for Practitioners with Erin Livers

Successful healthcare practitioners know, “All disease begins in the gut.”
But when you attempt to guide clients to gut health, do you feel confused by the variables of
each case, leading you to re-invent the wheel for each client? Do your clients struggle
to comply because they feel overwhelmed? Or are you beginning to address
gut health in your practice for the first time, and you want to get it right?
Gut repair requires a knowledge of how the digestive system works and what can go wrong, while considering the variables of our clients’ health and the complexities of their lives while applying:
Functional Medicine’s 5Rs protocol,
an anti-inflammatory, elimination diet
and a challenge diet to identify food sensitivities
via easy-to-understand instructions and a lot of support.
As I began this journey in my own practice, I quickly realized that if I wanted my clients’
compliance and the ability to do this with many clients each week, I needed a well-designed program.
When I had well-organized recommendations that I confidently and efficiently applied again and again for each client, I got consistent results for my clients and my business and that’s when I created The Revitalize Digestion Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Gut Healing Program.
When you learn this successful program, you’ll see increased profits, ease and confidence, while taking the first step to becoming a gut health expert!
I’ve personally guided more than 800 clients through the Revitalize Digestion Program, partnered with many different practitioners for referrals, and seen my client retention, compliance and satisfaction increase.
And you can too. Imagine…
…having a mentor and the support
of a professional community as you become proficient in gut repair
…confidently guiding clients
through your gut repair
program with positive results
every time, even with complex cases
…learning proven supplement
protocols for a variety of
digestive conditions
and symptoms
…using a the same program with
each client, allowing you to analyze data, learn from your experience
and repeat outcomes
…guiding clients through
your gut repair program:
one-on-one or in groups,
in-person or remotely
…having the flexibility
to recommend the supplement protocol you determine is
best for each client
…marketing your
professional gut repair program
to practitioner partners for a steady stream of referrals
…taking the first steps on
your journey to becoming a
gut health expert
Introducing The Revitalize™ Digestion
Online Course and Professional Community

Learn the Revitalize Digestion™ Program,
receive expert guidance from creator, Erin Livers, who has supported more than one hundred practitioners and guided over 800 clients, when you join a community of other healthcare practitioners who use this successful program.
Our goal is to provide you with a highly structured program to restore your clients’ proper gut function in a short 45 days.
When they experience how quickly and masterfully you’ve helped them with their worst symptoms, they’ll have faith that you’re the practitioner to help them with all of their health goals.
Re-inventing the wheel with each client means that you’re likely not addressing your clients comprehensively, and thus, not getting consistent results. Learning the Revitalize™ Digestion Program means that in a short amount of time, you can learn and then implement a proven approach that combines all of the tools of gut repair together into one powerful program that you and your clients will find easy to follow.
The Revitalize™ Digestion Program is designed to combine:
Functional Medicine’s 5Rs protocol, plus 3 additional Rs =
- Remove: undesirable organisms from the GI tract and inflammatory foods from the diet
- Repair: restore intestinal integrity to the GI tract
- Replace: any compromised digestive elements such as hydrochloric acid, enzymes, bile
- Reinoculate: restore healthy bacteria and promote diversity to the GI tract
- Remodel or Rebalance
- Replete: deficient nutrients
- Reduce: inflammation
- Re-establish mucosal tolerance: to support proper immune regulation

The Revitalize Digestion™ Guidebook for Practitioners & their Clients
The Revitalize™ Digestion Guidebook is a great reference for practitioners. Clients love the support and inspiration it provides after conveniently purchasing it on Amazon.
It includes:
- An overview of key concepts about digestion for clients
- A step-by-step outline of the entire program for you and your clients
- A 21-day meal plan and blank meal planning forms
- 125 easy and delicious recipes for the Elimination/Challenge Diet
- A Shopping Guide for key ingredients
- Symptom Survey forms
- Guidance for transitioning your clients to the SCD or GAPS diet
Course Content
This online course teaches you how to address individual client needs with an efficient gut repair program that gives you a consistent framework, knowledge and tools via 14 modules of video presentations and 16 hours of content.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
- understand the importance of healing the gut
- understand inflammation’s role in disease and how to reduce inflammation with this program
- understand and be able to explain relevant concepts to clients and partnering practitioners: inflammation, leaky gut, loss of immune tolerance to self & foods, gut infections, blood sugar balance, nutrient deficiencies, healthy digestive physiology
- learn how to successfully administer an anti-inflammatory, elimination-challenge diet and gut healing program for clients with a variety of health conditions, diets and lifestyles
- learn how to successfully administer this Program to a variety of clients: children, teens, athletes, elders
- learn how to avoid/resolve common issues, increase compliance with recipes and navigate client challenges
- learn which gut-healing herbs and supplements to recommend and why (brands included)
- learn when to use the SCD or GAPs diet and why that’s important for specific clients
- be able to incorporate this Program into a private practice to effectively and efficiently resolve client symptoms and achieve client health goals
- be able to market this Program to clients, and use it to partner with doctors and other practitioners to receive patient referrals to grow their practice
- be able to partner with trained chefs to support clients
The Revitalize Digestion™ Online Course modules:
- Module 1: Introduction
- Module 2: Revitalize Digestion™ Program Overview & My Experience
- Module 3: Inflammation, Leaky Gut & the Functional Medicine 5Rs Protocol
- Module 4: The Client Intake
- Module 5: Gut Repair Supplement Protocols
- Module 6: Overcoming Client Challenges
- Module 7: Client Consult #1: Preparing the Client for the Elimination Diet
- Module 8: Client Consult #1: A Model
- Module 9: Client Consult #2: Preparing the Client for the Challenge Diet
- Module 10: Client Consult #2: A Model
- Module 11: Client Consult #3: Client Results & Concluding the Program
- Module 12: Case Studies
- Module 13: Transitioning your Clients to Next Steps
- Module 14: Guiding Groups
Having all of the Revitalize Digestion™ resources to guide your clients to success saves you time, money and energy with every client. Along with the training in this online course you’ll receive the following materials:
- PDF downloads of Slide Presentations
- 7 Handouts: Business Forms & made-for-you Client Handouts
- 24/7 access to the Revitalize Digestion™ online course modules (16 hours of instruction)
- 1 copy of the Revitalize Digestion™ Guidebook for Practitioners and their Clients
- Bulk order discounts on Revitalize Digestion™ Guidebooks when sharing with clients (5 & 10 copies) OR your clients order the book directly from Amazon
- Ongoing support in the private Revitalize Digestion™ Facebook group for course graduates only
- Discounts on Advanced Level Courses featuring related and supportive topics (more info below)
- Certificate of Completion after completing a short 11-question exam and seminar evaluation
- With a Certificate of Completion, you’re eligible for 11 CEU credits from the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (for members only) and other organizations
Using the Revitalize Digestion™ program I created, I’ve guided more than 700 clients to success. The practitioners who’ve taken my live seminars also enjoy the results they get with their clients, and some have guided more than 100 clients through the program.
Here are the consistent health benefits my clients achieve solely with the Revitalize Digestion Program:
- reduce or eliminate joint pain, often chronic pain that hasn’t responded to other treatments for years
- heal leaky gut and eliminate a variety of digestive issues
- relieve brain fog
- reduce or eliminate headaches, sinus issues, skin issues
- relieve a variety of digestive issues: chronic constipation or diarrhea, gas, bloating, heartburn…
- improve women’s menstrual cycles
- improve energy levels
- weight loss: up to 8 pounds for women, up to 12 pounds for men
- hope

My Client’s Experiences
This is a recent email from a client who cooks all of her husband’s food, so he went through the Program along with her (I recommend family members do the program together).
“Stephen went to the doctor today for his physical and his blood pressure was normal. Dr. Smith was so surprised she took it again to make sure it was a taken correctly. He’s been on blood pressure medicine, but still having high pressure so this is exciting news. I thank you and attribute your amazing program for this great news.”
Note: Both she and her husband had significant reductions in their Symptom Survey scores after the program, which is consistent with most clients’ results.
This is a remarkable program, and it came at just the right time for me. I’d been feeling poorly, and eating poorly, and this was just what I needed in order to set me on a much healthier path. I’ve always had weight issues, and I was feeling hopeless about the prospect of losing 30 lbs yet again. My joints were aching, my gut was in disarray, and my mood and energy were low. I won’t say that this was easy, but it was easier than I thought it would be, especially since I have had about 30 seconds of craving throughout the duration of the program. Having strict parameters around what I could eat and could not eat allowed me to focus on the good, wholesome, healthy, healing foods to eat, and to comfortably avoid those that were not allowed. The supplement regimen was also easy to follow. I found myself more satisfied and energetic than I’d been by eating anything I wanted to, whenever I wanted to. After a few days, my gut settled down, my digestion improved so that the gas, bloating, diarrhea, and other IBS manifestations were…GONE! and my mood and energy increased quite a bit.
Erin was a thorough and sensitive guide, and was very accessible throughout. She provided a well written guide to the particulars of the program, including delicious recipes and advice and support for just about anything that might come up. I’m grateful to her for all that she offered throughout the program, and I feel that my life has changed for the better.
Once I began to lose weight during the program, I followed Erin’s recommendations and after nearly a year, I’ve lost 60 pounds.
This program changed my life!

About the Course Creator and Instructor:
Erin Livers, BA, ICNT is a well-respected nutrition expert, digestive wellness specialist, author, and health educator. She has 15 years of clinical and teaching experience.
She has lectured in cities across the US, taught her Revitalize Digestion™ Seminar as a workshop at the National Association of Nutrition Professionals annual conference, been on the faculty at schools throughout the Boulder/Denver area, and maintains a successful nutrition therapy practice in Boulder, CO.
Erin joined Roots & Branches Integrative Healthcare where she created an anti-inflammatory, elimination-challenge diet for Dr. Eric Dorninger’s patients.
After many years in practice, it became clear to Erin that to create a foundation of health upon which her clients could build, began with an evaluation of their gut health, because that is where they interface with their environment. Are they optimally digesting, assimilating and integrating the nearly one ton of food they’re consuming each year? If not, leaky gut and other GI conditions, as well as the health of the microbiome, hugely impact the overall health of the body, including autoimmunity and nearly every chronic health condition.
In 2017, after guiding more than 500 people through what is now the Revitalize Digestion™ Program, she wrote the companion Guidebook for Practitioners and their Clients, and began teaching her fellow practitioners this valuable program. Developing her vision, her successful program and the tools she uses to address gut health with her many clients, helps Erin to teach other professionals how to quickly and effectively restore the health of their clients.
Join other practitioners who have added this program to their business:
You don’t want to miss this seminar with Erin! She is a wealth of information, and this program is phenomenal to help clients improve their health in a short period of time. I did the Revitalize Digestion™ Program myself and saw major health changes. With her guidance, I started implementing it for my clients who saw benefits with digestion, skin, headaches, mood, energy, reduction of medications, improvements on blood tests, and more. I highly recommend it!
—Jenifer Simon
Learning the anti-inflammatory diet and gut healing program was magnificent for my business. I feel that gut repair is required to get to the root cause of disease/discomfort and this program is very important for practitioners to learn and use. I now recommend it to my clients, and feel confident and knowledgable to do so.
It’s been wonderful to offer this program to my clients, and I recommend anyone considering it to sign up. The Revitalize Digestion™ Live Seminar is very informative and dives deep into the “hows” and “whys” of the Program. Erin is great teacher, who clearly articulates what to expect during the program. I have heard only positive results from my clients regarding this Program. It has been great to see my clients (and myself) grow significantly. I highly recommend this Program!
—Havilande Green
I cannot recommend this course enough!! Erin provides the tools for practitioners to effectively guide clients through the Revitalize Digestion™ Program, and I left the seminar feeling inspired and excited to start helping my clients. I’m hopeful and excited to not only help my clients, but to also tackle my own GI issues that have been hindering me from living my most vital life for years. Because of Erin’s knowledge of nutrition and health, her years of experience, dedication to this program, and her heartfelt way of being, I feel there is no better way to spend a weekend!!
—Jenna Switzer