Professional Training for Practitioners with Erin Livers
Revitalize Digestion Program, Seminar for Healthcare Practitioners
The Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism
424 East Simpson Street, Unit A
Lafayette, CO, 80026
Saturday, January 25th
Sunday, January 26th, 2020
$395 for Professionals
$195 for Students
Revitalize Digestion Program, Seminar for Healthcare Practitioners
The Nutrition Therapy Institute
1510 York Street, Suite 204
Denver, CO 80206
Saturday, February 29th
Sunday, March 1st, 2020
$395 for Professionals
$195 for Students
Attend from any location via Zoom link
Attending LIVE gives you the best of both worlds:
Learning in-person and lifetime access to the curriculum via the online course ($25 additional).
The curriculum for the LIVE SEMINAR and the ONLINE COURSE is the same. If you prefer to learn about the Revitalize Digestion™ Program in-person, these 2-day, weekend seminars allow you to:
- Interact with the instructor – Erin Livers
- Ask questions live
- Meet your fellow participants
- Learn the material in a short timeframe
Post-seminar, every live seminar attendee will receive a discount code to purchase the Revitalize Digestion online course for $25, which gives you lifetime access to all course materials.
For more information about the online course CLICK HERE (link to online course page)
The Revitalize Digestion™ Live Seminar
As holistic health practitioners we’ve learned that to address the health of our clients, we must first start with their digestive health. That’s why we’ve been taught protocols such as Functional Medicine’s 5Rs gut healing protocol, how to design elimination-challenge diets to determine inflammatory foods, and what herbs and probiotic supplements to recommend for rebalancing the microbiome. Our clients must have a healthy digestive system in order to begin their journey back to health and vitality.
- confidently guiding clients through a gut repair program to get positive results even with complex case
- using proven supplement protocols for a variety of digestive conditions and symptoms, and having the flexibility to use the supplements you determine are best for each client
- guiding clients through a gut repair program one-on-one or in groups, in person or remotely
- marketing your professional gut repair program to practitioner partners
Attend this seminar designed to save you time, energy and money!
The Revitalize Digestion™Live Seminar provides you with step-by-step instructions on HOW you can guide clients through the following in about 45 days:
- A gut repair program that includes the 5Rs protocol
- Supplement protocols that clearly recommend effective products
- An Anti-Inflammatory Diet
- A 21-day Elimination Diet to identify food sensitivities
- A Challenge Diet or the reintroduction phase of the elimination diet
- Instructions to balance blood sugar
- Guidelines for Conscious Eating to reduce mealtime stress

The Revitalize Digestion™ Program delivers results to every client, increasing your effectiveness as a practitioner and streamlining your business. Clients feel supported referring to the Revitalize Digestion™ Guidebook’s step-by-step instruction, 21-day Meal Plan with 125 recipes, Shopping Guide, as you provide your individual, professional guidance.
After successfully guiding hundreds of clients though the Revitalize Digestion™ Program, these are the results I see:
- Repaired leaky gut, and elimination of gut infections and a variety of digestive issues
- Improved energy levels and brain fog relief
- Reduction or elimination of headaches, sinus issues, skin issues, and chronic pain
- Lowered auto-antibody levels in those with autoimmune disorders
- Improved menstrual cycle symptoms
- Weight loss (up to 8 pounds for women and 12 pounds for men)
- Improved diet and dietary compliance (e.g., gluten, dairy, etc.)
- Symptom relief and an understanding of the food source of symptoms after the Challenge Diet
The practitioners who have already completed this training are achieving these same results with their clients, and you can too.
They enjoy using the Revitalize Digestion™ Program’s structured, yet individual approach, as each client is an individual, so practitioners have the ability to choose their own gut-repair protocol of supplements, depending on the client and their education, for example: Eastern herbs for acupuncturists, Western herbs for nutritionists and herbalists. There is also an individual dietary approach I recommend for vegetarians, and practitioners will be able to guide clients through the entire program in person or remotely, one-on-one or in groups, as they choose.
Think of this as more than a seminar as you’re joining the Revitalize Digestion community!

Learning the anti-inflammatory diet and gut healing program was magnificent for my business. I feel that gut repair is required to get to the root cause of disease/discomfort and this program is very important for practitioners to learn and use. I now recommend it to my clients, and feel confident and knowledgable to do so.
It’s been wonderful to offer this program to my clients, and I recommend anyone considering it to sign up. The Revitalize Digestion™ Live Seminar is very informative and dives deep into the “hows” and “whys” of the Program. Erin is great teacher, who clearly articulates what to expect during the program. I have heard only positive results from my clients regarding this Program. It has been great to see my clients (and myself) grow significantly. I highly recommend this Program!
—Havilande Green

About the Course Creator and Instructor:
Erin Livers, BA, ICNT is a well-respected nutrition expert, digestive wellness specialist, author, and health educator. She has 15 years of clinical and teaching experience.
She has lectured in cities across the US, taught her Revitalize Digestion™ Seminar as a workshop at the National Association of Nutrition Professionals annual conference, been on the faculty at schools throughout the Boulder/Denver area, and maintains a successful nutrition therapy practice in Boulder, CO.
Erin joined Roots & Branches Integrative Healthcare where she created an anti-inflammatory, elimination-challenge diet for Dr. Eric Dorninger’s patients.
After many years in practice, it became clear to Erin that to create a foundation of health upon which her clients could build, began with an evaluation of their gut health, because that is where they interface with their environment. Are they optimally digesting, assimilating and integrating the nearly one ton of food they’re consuming each year? If not, leaky gut and other GI conditions, as well as the health of the microbiome, hugely impact the overall health of the body, including autoimmunity and nearly every chronic health condition.
In 2017, after guiding more than 500 people through what is now the Revitalize Digestion™ Program, she wrote the companion Guidebook for Practitioners and their Clients, and began teaching her fellow practitioners this valuable program. Developing her vision, her successful program and the tools she uses to address gut health with her many clients, helps Erin to teach other professionals how to quickly and effectively restore the health of their clients.